worship from home Church online YouTube Video VVVuRXJUU2k5VzRQdXlOSEFVRkNEeFZRLmdvTVJxTC1qRzNN Happy Sunday Church! Hope everyone is having a blessed day! 💙 If you aren't able to make it in-person, that's okay! We're still streaming live on Facebook every Sunday. We hope and pray that you and your family and are keeping safe and enjoy the service! Don't forget to like and share the Word to your friends. God bless and stay safe! ******* Preacher: Dr. Tony Keys Title: Implications of God Transcendence ******* #connectcitychurch #churchonline #SundayService ******* https://connectcity.church 0 0 YouTube Video VVVuRXJUU2k5VzRQdXlOSEFVRkNEeFZRLmdvTVJxTC1qRzNN Happy Sunday Church! Hope everyone is having a blessed day! 💙 If you aren't able to make it in-person, that's okay! We're still streaming live on Facebook every Sunday. We hope and pray that you and your family and are keeping safe and enjoy the service! Don't forget to like and share the Word to your friends. God bless and stay safe! ******* Preacher: Dr. Tony Keys Title: Implications of God Transcendence ******* #connectcitychurch #churchonline #SundayService ******* https://connectcity.church 0 0 YouTube Video VVVuRXJUU2k5VzRQdXlOSEFVRkNEeFZRLlZNanpFbHNjaU1B Happy Sunday Church! Hope everyone is having a blessed day! 💙 If you aren't able to make it in-person, that's okay! We're still streaming live on Facebook every Sunday. We hope and pray that you and your family and are keeping safe and enjoy the service! Don't forget to like and share the Word to your friends. God bless and stay safe! ******* Preacher: Dr. Tony Keys Title: Implications of God Transcendence ******* #connectcitychurch #churchonline #SundayService ******* https://connectcity.church 0 0 YouTube Video VVVuRXJUU2k5VzRQdXlOSEFVRkNEeFZRLk40M0hxVDg3UVd3 Happy Sunday Church! Hope everyone is having a blessed day! 💙 If you aren't able to make it in-person, that's okay! We're still streaming live on Facebook every Sunday. We hope and pray that you and your family and are keeping safe and enjoy the service! Don't forget to like and share the Word to your friends. God bless and stay safe! ******* Preacher: Ps Mark Bates Title: ******* #connectcitychurch #churchonline #sundayservice ******* https://connectcity.church 0 0 YouTube Video VVVuRXJUU2k5VzRQdXlOSEFVRkNEeFZRLnNmNGxWY0NRWnZZ Happy Sunday Church! Hope everyone is having a blessed day! 💙 If you aren't able to make it in-person, that's okay! We're still streaming live on Facebook every Sunday. We hope and pray that you and your family and are keeping safe and enjoy the service! Don't forget to like and share the Word to your friends. God bless and stay safe! ******* Preacher: Ps Mark Bates Title: ******* #connectcitychurch #churchonline #sundayservice ******* https://connectcity.church 0 0 YouTube Video VVVuRXJUU2k5VzRQdXlOSEFVRkNEeFZRLkRlQWFDZU54OXRV Happy Sunday Church! Hope everyone is having a blessed day! 💙 If you aren't able to make it in-person, that's okay! We're still streaming live on Facebook every Sunday. We hope and pray that you and your family and are keeping safe and enjoy the service! Don't forget to like and share the Word to your friends. God bless and stay safe! ******* Preacher: Ps Kul Bal Title: Encounter ******* #connectcitychurch #churchonline #sundayservice ******* https://connectcity.church 1 0 YouTube Video VVVuRXJUU2k5VzRQdXlOSEFVRkNEeFZRLmoycVdpWTBPWndj Happy Sunday Church! Hope everyone is having a blessed day! 💙 If you aren't able to make it in-person, that's okay! We're still streaming live on Facebook every Sunday. We hope and pray that you and your family and are keeping safe and enjoy the service! Don't forget to like and share the Word to your friends. God bless and stay safe! ******* Preacher: Sis Wilma Padua-Slimmon Title: In Humble Recognition ******* #connectcitychurch #churchonline #sundayservice ******* https://connectcity.church 2 0 YouTube Video VVVuRXJUU2k5VzRQdXlOSEFVRkNEeFZRLmRoX1NWQXc1ZDFj Happy Sunday Church! Hope everyone is having a blessed day! 💙 If you aren't able to make it in-person, that's okay! We're still streaming live on Facebook every Sunday. We hope and pray that you and your family and are keeping safe and enjoy the service! Don't forget to like and share the Word to your friends. God bless and stay safe! ******* Preacher: Sis Wilma Padua-Slimmon Title: In Humble Recognition ******* #connectcitychurch #churchonline #sundayservice ******* https://connectcity.church 2 0 YouTube Video VVVuRXJUU2k5VzRQdXlOSEFVRkNEeFZRLlE1ZDc3T1VtUGxN Happy Sunday Church! Hope everyone is having a blessed day! 💙 If you aren't able to make it in-person, that's okay! We're still streaming live on Facebook every Sunday. We hope and pray that you and your family and are keeping safe and enjoy the service! Don't forget to like and share the Word to your friends. God bless and stay safe! ******* Preacher: Ps Jim Cameron Title: The Glory of God ******* #connectcitychurch #churchonline #SundayService ******* https://connectcity.church 1 0 YouTube Video VVVuRXJUU2k5VzRQdXlOSEFVRkNEeFZRLnNuSEVneDIyY1JJ Happy Sunday Church! Hope everyone is having a blessed day! 💙 If you aren't able to make it in-person, that's okay! We're still streaming live on Facebook every Sunday. We hope and pray that you and your family and are keeping safe and enjoy the service! Don't forget to like and share the Word to your friends. God bless and stay safe! ******* Preacher: Ps. Allan Vitug Title: Divine Disclosure ******* #connectcitychurch #churchonline #SundayService ******* https://connectcity.church 1 0 YouTube Video VVVuRXJUU2k5VzRQdXlOSEFVRkNEeFZRLjdnUjRTOGpMSFZN Happy Sunday Church! Hope everyone is having a blessed day! If you aren't able to make it in-person, that's okay! We're still streaming live on YouTube every Sunday. We hope and pray that you and your family and are keeping safe and enjoy the service! Don't forget to like and share the Word to your friends. God bless and stay safe! ******* Preacher: Ps Buddy Abadilla Title: The Power of God's Word ******* #church #churchonline #sundayservice ******* https://connectcity.church 0 0 YouTube Video VVVuRXJUU2k5VzRQdXlOSEFVRkNEeFZRLjIwRllOMjN1TlNj Happy Sunday Church! Hope everyone is having a blessed day! If you aren't able to make it in-person, that's okay! We're still streaming live on YouTube every Sunday. We hope and pray that you and your family and are keeping safe and enjoy the service! Don't forget to like and share the Word to your friends. God bless and stay safe! ******* Preacher: Ps Allan Vitug Title: Responding to Human Authority ******* #church #churchonline #sundayservice ******* https://connectcity.church 1 0 YouTube Video VVVuRXJUU2k5VzRQdXlOSEFVRkNEeFZRLjZLQ1FJajAwZ0tF View More East Online West Online